Most Daring

Most Daring is an American reality television show produced by Nash Entertainment and truTV Original Productions. Initially showing only rescue footage, it later became a companion to the show Most Shocking and like its sister show, it features footage of police chases, daring rescues, auto accidents and other crazy and outrageous content and sometimes could be scary for some viewers. It bills itself as "The Footage too shocking for Most Shocking".

In the US, new episodes currently air on Wednesday nights at 9PM Eastern, right after Most Shocking.

International broadcasts

Country TV Network(s) Series Premiere Weekly Schedule Status
 Australia Fox8 Unknown Weekdays @ 2:30pm currently airing
 Belgium 2BE Unknown Mondays at 20:00pm currently airing
 Norway Viasat 4 Unknown Fridays @ 8:35pm currently airing
 United Arab Emirates MBC Action Unknown Thursday 16:00
 United Kingdom Virgin 1 Unknown TBA Varied
 Pakistan AXN Unknown Unknown currently airing

External links